Nowadays, there are millions of illiteracy people in the world, in which many are from Brazil where the situation is not as different as other countries. The government, trying to solve this problem, has developed programs of inclusion. The Resolution n. º 01/2000-CNE/CEB establishes that the National Curriculum Guidelines for Youth and adult education shall offer the exams for conclusion certificates of junior and senior high school, and one of the most commonly required is CEEBJA; which consists of bringing back to school youth and adults who stopped studying and decided to return to schools to get a better job or a certificate. The fact is, although some say that CEEBJA is an inclusive program, and that it is able to prepare students for the community and give a good education, studies prove that this program is not effective.
A research based on interviews with teachers from CEEBJA revealed that their formation is not enough for this modality of teaching. Stremel argues that the continued formation do not contribute completely for the teachers formation, consequently, it is not enough; the teachers need to adequate themselves to the new technologies to provide students an education with quality, and also because center of formation do not have specific subjects for this modality of teaching.
Proves of this, are the results of ENEM in Jacarezinho which has the worst ten schools of Paraná. Students from CEEBJA who took part in ENEM reached 37, 54 points on average. According to Geni Sampaio this result is explained for the kind of classes the students are provided with; furthermore, we can conclude that the qualification of the teachers for this specific program should be provided for a better understanding of this continued formation.
The law of Basis Guidelines for National Education (LDB, lei n. º 9394/96) emerges as mediator of the rights and duties for all, in a way to oppose the oppression between the stronger and the weaker. (Severino, 1998, p. 58). The law should provide the rights and the good education, but it doesn´t happen.
To start with, the ones who participate in this program are adults who work, have an educational background and intend to be inserted on the market again. They are people who didn´t go school on the right time and now claim their right of knowledge. Taking it to account, we should provide the student an education based on their experiences, bring the problematic to their daily lives. But it do not happen, because there aren´t educational policies to avoid the discontinuities of the learning process.
Another problem faced in this program is the access to the schools who offer the program. It´s hard to think of giving education for all, when what we see is a few schools engaged with this task. According to the Trial n. º 553/00 approved in 06/12/00 for the State Secretary of Education in Curitiba, there are around eighty schools in the whole Paraná that offers this education, three are in Londrina, and more specifically, one in Univesidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). The courses are organized as presencial and semi presencial, with enrolments on each discipline, offered, only in the overnight. The truth is that it is hard to think of an inclusive program that is only on the paper; for someone who had worked all day long, to study and be qualified in a certain subject which takes only a few months while the basic educational in regular schools takes around three years.
As we have said before, the teachers aren´t qualified to teach in this program. What happens is that once hired, a Portuguese teacher can give art classes, physical education, and even mathematic. Through this example, it´s clear to note how fragile is this type of education. To solve this problem, we should invest on teacher training with workshops, courses, and even a previous explanation on the program before start teaching. It is also necessary to rethink the curriculum for than, the process of learning and teaching build a real quality education.
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